Пятница, 01 декабря 2023 06:22

It's December 1st and it's World AIDS Day

It's December 1st and it's World AIDS Day It's December 1st and it's World AIDS Day

1 грудня. Всесвітній день боротьби зі СНІДом

Всесвітній день боротьби зі СНІДом присвячений поширенню обізнаності про цю хворобу. Починаючи з 1981 року приблизно 40 мільйонів людей у всьому світі померли від СНІДу, що робить цю проблему однією з найважливіших проблем охорони здоров’я. Попри нещодавні покращення в лікуванні, ця хвороба все ще забирає близько 2 мільйонів життів щороку.

Слово дня: “ЗАНЕДУЖАТИ” -  ставати хворим, захворювати.

Мій сусід занедужав, тому я приніс йому смаколиків.

The word of the day: as fit as a fiddle (idiom) / æz fit æz ə 'fid(ə)l/

Meaning: in a very good health.

Example:I just saw Sabby recently, and he's as fit as a fiddle.

Your MINI-TASK is to do the quiz.

World AIDS Day Quiz

  1. In what year was the first World AIDS Day observed?
    a) 1981
    b) 1988
    c) 1990
    d) 2000
  2. The red ribbon is an international symbol of HIV/AIDS awareness. What does it represent?
    a) A commitment to fighting stigma and discrimination
    b) Unity in the global fight against HIV/AIDS
    c) Support for people living with HIV/AIDS
    d) All of the above
  3. What is the theme for World AIDS Day 2023?
    a) "Ending the HIV Epidemic: Equitable Access, Everyone's Voice"
    b) "Getting to Zero: Zero New Infections, Zero Discrimination, Zero AIDS-related Deaths"
    c) "Global Solidarity, Shared Responsibility"
    d) "Communities Make the Difference"
  4. Approximately how many people were living with HIV worldwide by the end of 2020?
    a) 5 million
    b) 25 million
    c) 38 million
    d) 50 million
  5. Which region of the world is most affected by the HIV epidemic?
    a) North America
    b) Europe
    c) Asia-Pacific
    d) Sub-Saharan Africa
  6. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a preventive measure for individuals at high risk of HIV. What does PrEP involve?
    a) Regular HIV testing
    b) Vaccination
    c) Taking antiretroviral drugs before potential exposure to the virus
    d) Using condoms consistently
  7. What is the "90-90-90" target in the global fight against HIV/AIDS?
    a) 90% reduction in new infections, 90% increase in funding, 90% community involvement
    b) 90% of people living with HIV know their status, 90% on treatment, 90% virally suppressed
    c) 90% of children born to HIV-positive mothers are HIV-free, 90% awareness, 90% access to care
    d) 90% reduction in stigma, 90% research funding, 90% policy advocacy
Другие материалы в этой категории: « It's November 30th: Computer Security Day It's December 2nd: Computer Literacy Day »
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